FUE Hairline Restoration 1502 Grafts 10 Months Post Op
14th July 2017

This patient who was originally concerned about his receding temples visited The Maitland Clinic for a 10 month review with Dr Edward Ball. He was delighted with the outcome of his 1502 graft FUE hairline restoration at only 10 months post op.
He was finding it difficult to style his hair and was tending to keep it short as there was less options for him as the recession crept back. Dr Ball selected FUE as the patient likes the option of keeping his hair short sides and back.
These photos show the result at 10 months post op. As hair restoration requires lots of patience on the part of the patient many forget exactly what their hair was like pre op. Once he had seen the photos side by side he had this to say ‘Can’t believe those picture it’s actually unbelievable’
Dr Ball assisted by Janna used a modest 1502 grafts by the FUE method which broke down into 395 single hairs, 822 double hairs and 285 3-4 hair grafts.
Dr Ball in surgery extracting the FUE grafts
Immediately after surgery