FUE hair transplant aftercare video

11th August 2016

A man's head showing new growth from transplanted grafts

Here at The Maitland Clinic we provide the best possible aftercare for your FUE hair transplant procedure. We want the best results and yield from every single graft transplanted which is why we go to such lengths to ensure this is the case. Dr Edward Ball will take the time to go through all the post operative instructions during and after your FUE hair restoration surgery at our custom built Hampshire clinic just outside of Portsmouth.

To ensure the best growth from your newly transplanted grafts we use solutions during and after surgery such as HypoThermosol and ATP which you can read more about HyperThermosol and ATP

Our Fue hair transplant video is for patients that have just had surgery and want to know how to handle their scalp and hair in those important post op recovery days while your new grafts are bedding into the scalp. In the video we talk you through all the aspects of aftercare and what you can expect.


Swelling after hair restoration.

If you have had FUE hair restoration treatment in the frontal scalp you may experience swelling of your forehead and between the eyes. This is completely normal and tends to peak around the 3rd post-operative day.

Swelling can be managed by massaging your forehead outwards and down around the eyes and by applying ice packs to the forehead for 10 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day. Be careful to avoid contact with your new grafts.

Swelling can also be minimised by avoiding bending over and keeping your head above your heart for the first week after hair transplant surgery.

Sleeping after a FUE hair transplant procedure.

To reduce swelling, sleep at a 45-degree angle for the first three days after surgery.

Use a neck pillow or rolled up towel to hold your head in a safe position to protect your new grafts from contact. You will be provided with absorbent pads to cover your pillow. By the 6th post-operative day the grafts are secure and you can sleep with a normal pillow.

How to care for your FUE grafts after surgery.

It is crucial that you avoid contact with your new grafts until day 6. At this point the grafts will be secure and it is normal to then see the transplanted hairs begin to shed.

Please use the aftercare spray every thirty minutes throughout the day and every 2 hours during the first 2 nights. The half hourly daytime sprays should be continued until the bottles are empty. This usually takes around 2-4 days.

The sprays will keep the grafts moist, reduce scabbing and, most importantly, provide energy to improve healing and graft survival.

FUE Donor Care.

On the evening after your surgery it is important that you remove any dressings or headband before you go to sleep. You can reduce scabbing and improve healing in the donor area by applying moisturising ointment at least twice a day. Please note that the ointment is only to be applied to the donor area at the back and sides of your head – not to your grafts. You can stop applying ointment on the seventh day.

Post op hair washing after a FUE hair transplant.

You are not required to wash your hair for the first 24 hours after surgery.

On the second to fifth days after surgery you may wash your hair by pouring cups of very dilute shampoo and water over your grafts and donor area. We recommend mixing just a drop of the baby shampoo provided into a large bowl of warm water, pouring several cups of this mixture over your hair and then rinsing with several cups of plain water. Your hair still mustn’t be touched at this stage, so should be left to drip dry.

On the sixth day after surgery you can touch your grafts. This is an opportunity to start gently removing any scabs and dry skin from your grafts and from your donor area. We suggest that you wet your hair under the shower and then generously apply conditioner to your whole scalp in order to moisturise any scabs. After 10 minutes you can gently massage off the conditioner under the shower and then wash with baby shampoo as normal. If you gradually increase your fingertip pressure over the next few days you should be free of scabs and dry skin by day 10-12. After this point you can wash your hair normally. Remember that it is normal to see some of the grafted hairs shed during washing and that most of your new hairs will shed during the first 1-6 weeks.

What Medication to take after FUE hair transplant?

We will provide you with painkiller tablets to ensure that the days after surgery are comfortable. However, many patients find that they don’t require painkillers within a day or so of their procedure.
We recommend you take a brief 3 day course of steroid tablets in order to reduce swelling and calm any inflammation from your surgery.
We may also suggest that you take a course of antibiotics during the post –operative period.
Dr Edward Ball will explain these prescribed medications in more detail.

Can I exercise after a hair transplant surgery?

We ask you to refrain from exercise for the first week after surgery while the grafts are becoming secure. Swimming is best avoided for 3 weeks after surgery.

What can I eat and drink after hair restoration surgery?

To prevent bleeding during the first 2 days after surgery we suggest that you avoid food and drink that can flush the face or thin the blood. So during the first 2 post-operative days please avoid caffeine, alcohol, spicy food, garlic and multivitamins.

Can I use hair fibres after my hair transplant?

No attempt at hair styling should be made during the first 5 post-operative days while the grafts are bedding in. For the first 2 weeks after surgery please avoid any styling products containing alcohol and refrain from applying concealer or thickening fibres. We ask that you wait for 4 weeks before any harsh treatments such as hair straightening or colouring.

When Can I go out in the sun after a hair transplant?

Please avoid exposing your treated areas to the sun for the first 3 months after surgery. If you are out in the sun for more than 5 minutes it’s best to wear a hat or apply a high factor sun block.





Written by

Dr Edward Ball

Founder & Medical Director at The Maitland Clinic

A member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Dr Edward Maitland Ball has been at the forefront of bringing world-class surgical hair restoration techniques to the UK and is renowned for the naturalness of his transplanted hairlines.